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Technology platform optimization

Do you have an online store, a SAAS type application or simply a website promoting your business? Are you looking to optimize the user experience, conversion rate and retention of your users? We have what you need.

platform optimisation, software development


You have goals, we have a plan !

Thanks to an analysis plan based on your expectations, we will be able to identify points of friction among your user base and adjust your platform accordingly. Whether in terms of software performance, interface optimizations or functional additions enhancing the value of your product, we will attack your objectives on several fronts.

Combined with our marketing offer allowing you to improve your online presence through optimization of your SEO and targeted advertising campaigns, let us help you make your platform a reference.

  • 88

    88% of users will not return to a site after a bad user experience. (Source: Econsultancy)

  • 7

    Just a 1 second improvement in load time can increase conversion rates by 7%. (Source: Akamai)

  • 37

    Websites that implemented optimization features based on data analysis saw an average increase of 37% in their conversion rates.” (Source: Web Data Analysis Study, MarketingOnline)

Let's see how we can unlock the full potential of your platform!

Fewer clicks, more traffic

Optimal navigation, which allows each user to find what they are looking for intuitively, can make all the difference in making you stand out. Let's find out how we can work with you to make your platform as instinctive as possible, so your users feel at home!

Users who stay longer… and who come back

Thanks to our arsenal of strategies, ranging from personalized recommendations to the creation of loyalty programs and the incorporation of “gamification” mechanisms into your platform, we will do everything possible to bring your users back, again and again, for more longer and more frequent sessions!

Know your user to understand them better

Suggesting something to someone without knowing them is a risky bet. But guaranteeing an exceptional user experience begins with knowing the habits and desires of its users. With our behavioral analysis and activity tracking services, invest your time and money wisely where it matters most.

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